Optimization of linear predictors

Two approaches to optimization

The BLP and BLUP require us to know some combination of the first and second moments of the distribution of \((Z, X)\). However, in practice we may not know any of these these. In particular, we tend not to know the second-moment or covariance kernels, but instead have models for them, i.e. we typically know that either the second-moment or covariance kernel is a member of some parameterized family of positive-definite kernels. We would like to recover the true parameter of such a model. There are two commonly used approaches to this problem: the method of the maximum likelihood, and the method of leave-one-out cross-validation.

Method of maximum likelihood

Suppose that we have a model for the distribution of \(X\), i.e. suppose that we know the distribution to be a member of some parameterized family of distributions, and that these distributions are completely specified by their first and second moments (as is the case for the Gaussian distribution, for example). We can choose the model parameter so as to make the data, \(x\), most probable.

Consider states of knowledge corresponding to those we considered before (Known and unknown quantities, case 3).

  1. We have a model of the second-moment kernel but do not know the mean-value function or covariance kernel. In this case, we do not know enough to be able to optimize the model parameter using the method of maximum likelihood.

  1. We have a model of the covariance kernel but do not know the mean-value function or second-moment function. In this case, we do not know enough to be able to optimize the parameter of the second-moment kernel. However, we may instead optimize the concentrated likelihood, by substituting the BLUE of \(X\), namely \(\Phi\mathrm{B}\), for its mean.

  1. We know the mean-value function and have a model of either (equivalently, both) the second-moment kernel or covariance kernel. In this situation we can recover the parameter of either model using the method of maximum likelihood. Denote the model of its probability density function \((f_{\theta})_{\theta \in \Theta}\), where (because we know the mean-value function) a parameter \(\theta\) in fact specifies the second-moment or covariance kernel. The maximum-likelihood estimate of the true parameter tuple is found by maximizing the likelihood, given by

    \[L(\theta; x) := f_{\theta}(x).\]

Method of leave-one-out cross-validation

If we do not have a model of the distribution of \(X\) then we may use the method of leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV), i.e. we may choose the parameter tuple that minimizes the LOOCV score (see Validation) in both the case of the BLP and the BLUP.

Suppose that the second-moment kernel model is of the form \(k(s, t) = a{}f(s, t)\) for some constant \(a\) and some positive-semidefinite kernel \(f\). In this case the method of leave-one-out cross-validation will fail to find \(a\) if there are no errors on the training outputs (i.e. if var_error is None or a tuple of zeros). This is because the BLP of a random variable is independent of \(a\).

Choosing the search space

In general, there will be multiple maxima of the likelihood and LOOCV score, some of which may lead to under- or over-fitting of the data. For a discussion of this issue see Rasmussen & Williams [RW06].

Many kernels are based on the distance between two points, given by

\[\|t - s\| = \sqrt{(t - s)^{\mathrm{t}}M(t - s)}\]

where \(M\) is a metric matrix. Typically the metric matrix is taken to be diagonal. In this case we may interpret the diagonal elements of \(M\) as a length scale: \(m_{i} = 1/l_{i}^{2}\). If the length scale is smaller than the average separation of the points in our experimental design, \(a\), then the BLP and BLUP will over-fit the data. We may take the value \(1/a^{2}\) to be an upper bound on the permitted values of the elements on \(M\).

PyMimic and the optimization of linear predictors

A positive-semidefinite kernel func(x, y, *args) -> array_like (PyMimic, second-moment and covariance kernels) that accepts additional arguments naturally provides a model of a second-moment or covariance kernel, with *args providing the parameter tuple. The Blp and Blup classes both have a method opt() that allows us to optimize this parameter using either the method of maximum likelihood or the method of LOOCV. To specify the optimization method we use the keyword argument opt_method (which accepts values "mle" and "loocv"). To specify the bounds of the search region use the keyword argument bounds.

If the maximum likelihood method is specified, the BLP is optimized under the assumption that \(X\) is a centred Gaussian random process (corresponding to case 3, above), and the BLUP is optimized using the concentrated likelihood (corresponding to case 2, above).

The optimization is performed using multiple starts of the Scipy function optimize.minimize(), with the best result being returned as an OptimizeResult object. Starting points are chosen using a Latin hypercube design.

By way of example, let us again fit a curve to a sample of the Branin function using the squared-exponential covariance kernel. Again, generate the sample, as follows.

>>> bounds = [[-5., 10.], [0., 15.]]
>>> ttrain = mim.design(bounds)
>>> xtrain = mim.testfunc.branin(*ttrain.T) + 10.*np.random.randn(20)

Optimizing the BLP

Create an instance of a Blp class using the squared-exponential kernel.

>>> blp = mim.Blp(ttrain, xtrain, 10.**2., mim.kernel.squared_exponential)

The parameter of the family of squared-exponential kernels is \(\theta = (\sigma^{2}, m_{1}, m_{2}, \dots, m_{d})\). The first element of the parameter is the variance. The remaining elements are the diagonal elements of the metric matrix.

The average separation of the points in our design is approximately \(\sqrt{(15 \times 15)/20} = 3.4\). With this knowledge we may optimize the BLUP as follows.

>>> argbounds = [[0., np.inf], [0., 3.4**-2.], [0., 3.4**-2.]]
>>> blp.opt("mle", bounds=argbounds)
   direc: array([[-7.19669309e-07, -8.06710717e-04,  1.41552230e-04],
       [-2.15271927e-06,  6.09338290e-04,  2.85734616e-04],
       [ 1.34616913e-05, -5.72761932e-03, -3.67099296e-04]])
     fun: 153.47615541248797
 message: 'Optimization terminated successfully.'
    nfev: 525
     nit: 9
  status: 0
 success: True
       x: array([1.57074646, 0.07265018, 0.00570691])

The opt() method returns a Scipy optimize.OptimizeResult object, as well as setting the attribute args. We may access this attribute as follows.

>>> blp.args
[20051.743666841663, 0.07264998681075786, 0.005706895456424384]

By default, opt_method is set to "mle". You may pass the argument "loocv" to optimize the BLP using the method of LOOCV. Be aware that LOOCV will fail to find \(\sigma^{2}\) if there are no errors associated with the sample (Method of leave-one-out cross-validation).

If a kernel from the submodule kernel is being used then the bounds are computed automatically, and do not need to be passed to the optimization method. (If bounds are in fact passed to the optimization method then those bounds are used instead of being automatically computed.) The bounds are stored as the attribute argbounds.

>>> blp.argbounds
[[0.0, inf], [0.0, 0.08650519031141869], [0.0, 0.08650519031141869]]

If the optimized predictor clearly over- or under-fits the data, it is wise to run the optimizer again, or to inspect the likelihood (equivalently, LOOCV score) more closely. You can to this by plotting it, or by inspecting all maxima found by the optimzier. To do this, use a callback function, as follows.

>>> def callback(args):
...     print(args)
>>> blp.opt(callback=callback, options={"disp": True})
[1.5073215 0.02294477 0.00959481]
[1.5073215 0.0232158  0.00957953]
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 154.540318
         Iterations: 2
         Function evaluations: 85
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 154.540318
         Iterations: 4
         Function evaluations: 173
   direc: array([[1., 0., 0.],
                 [0., 1., 0.],
                 [0., 0., 1.]])
     fun: 154.54031809310428
 message: 'Optimization terminated successfully.'
    nfev: 173
     nit: 4
  status: 0
 success: True
       x: array([1.57073215, 0.02321549, 0.00957954])

Optimizing the BLUP

The BLUP can be optimized in exactly the same way.



Rasmussen, C.E., and C.K.I. Williams. 2006. Gaussian processes for machine learning. Cambridge: MIT Press.