Source code for pymimic.basis

#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""A suite of basis functions

A suite of bases for spaces of mean-value functions (parameter
``basis`` in the class :class:`pymimic.emulator.Blup`)


import itertools
import numpy as np

[docs]def const(): r"""Return a tuple consisting of the constantly one function The *constantly one function* is the function :math:`f:\mathbf{R}^{n} \longrightarrow \mathbf{R}` given by .. math:: f(t) = 1. Returns ------- res : (1,) tuple A tuple consisting of the constantly one function Example ------- Generate a basis: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.basis.const() (<function const.<locals>.fun at 0x7f800305cc80,) Evaluate elements of the tuple for one one-dimensional argument: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.basis.const()[0](0.) array(1.) Evaluate elements of the tuple for two one-dimensional arguments: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.basis.const()[0]([0., 1.]) array([1., 1.]) Evaluate elements of the tuple for one two-dimensional argument: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.basis.const()[0]([[0., 1.]]) array(1.) Evaluate elements of the tuple for two two-dimensional arguments: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.basis.const()[0]([[0., 1.], [2., 3.]]) array([1., 1.]) """ def fun(t): t = np.atleast_1d(t) return np.ones(len(t)).squeeze() return (fun,)