Source code for pymimic.kernel

#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""A suite of positive-semidefinite kernels

This module provides positive-semidefinite kernels for use as
second-moment or covariance kernels (parameters ``covfunc`` in the
classes :class:`pymimic.emulator.Blp` and

The positive-semidefinite kernels included are:

   - exponential,
   - Gneiting,
   - linear,
   - Matern
   - neural network,
   - periodic,
   - polynomial,
   - rational quadratic,
   - squared exponential, and
   - white noise.

The linear, polynomial, and white-noise kernels are not supported by
PyMimic's optimization routines, :meth:`Blp.opt` and :meth:`Blup.opt`.


import numpy as np
import pymimic as mim

from scipy import special
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

def _inner(x, y, M):
    """Evaluate the inner product of two vectors"""
    x = np.atleast_1d(x)
    y = np.atleast_1d(y)
    if x.ndim != y.ndim:
        raise ValueError("x and y must have the same number of columns.")
        # If x and y are not scalars
        return np.atleast_2d(x@M@y.T)
    except ValueError:
        # If x and y are scalars
        x = np.atleast_2d(x)
        return x.T*M*y

def _metric(x, y, M):
    """Evaluate the distance between two points"""
    x = np.atleast_1d(x)
    y = np.atleast_1d(y)
    if x.ndim != y.ndim:
        raise ValueError("x and y must have the same number of columns.")
        # If x and y are not scalars
        return cdist(x, y, "mahalanobis", VI=M)
    except ValueError:
        # If x and y are scalars
        x = np.atleast_2d(x)
        return np.sqrt(M)*np.abs(y - x.T)

[docs]def exponential(x, y, sigma2, gamma, *M): r"""Evaluate the :math:`\gamma`-exponential kernel The :math:`\gamma`-*exponential kernel* is the positive-semidefinite kernel :math:`k: \mathbf{R}^{d} \times \mathbf{R}^{d} \longrightarrow \mathbf{R}` given by .. math:: k(s, t) = \sigma^{2}\exp(- \|(t - s)\|^{\gamma}) where :math:`\sigma^{2}` is a positive number, :math:`\|t - s\| := \sqrt{(t - s)^{\mathrm{t}}M(t - s)}`, :math:`M := \operatorname{diag}(m_{1}, m_{2}, \dots, m_{d})` is a positive-semidefinite diagonal matrix and :math:`\gamma \in (0, 2]`. Parameters ---------- x : (n, d) array_like First argument of the kernel. y : (m, d) array_like Second argument of the kernel. sigma2 : scalar Variance. gamma : scalar Exponent. *M : scalars Diagonal elements of the metric matrix. Returns ------- res : (n, m) ndarray The :math:`\gamma`-exponential kernel evaluated for ``x`` and ``y``. Example ------- One one-dimensional argument in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.exponential(0., 1., 1., 2., 1.) array([[0.36787944]]) Two one-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.exponential([0., 1.], [2., 3.], 1., 2., 1.) array([[1.83156389e-02, 1.23409804e-04], [3.67879441e-01, 1.83156389e-02]]) One two-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.exponential([[0., 0.]], [[0., 1.]], 1., 2., 1., 1.) array([[0.36787944]]) One two-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.exponential([[0., 0.], [0., 1.]], [[1., 0.], [1., 1.]], 1., 2., 1., 1.) array([[0.36787944, 0.13533528], [0.13533528, 0.36787944]]) """ M = np.diag(M) return sigma2*np.exp(- _metric(x, y, M)**gamma)
[docs]def gneiting(x, y, sigma2, alpha, *M): r"""Evaluate the Gneiting kernel The *Gneiting kernel* is the positive-semidefinite kernel :math:`k: \mathbf{R}^{d} \times \mathbf{R}^{d} \longrightarrow \mathbf{R}` given by .. math:: k(s, t) = \begin{cases} \sigma^{2}(1 + t^{\alpha})^{-3}((1 - t)\cos(\pi{}t) + \dfrac{1}{\pi}\sin(\pi{}t)) &\text{if } t \in [0, 1],\\ 0 &\text{otherwise.} \end{cases} where :math:`\sigma^{2}` is a positive number, :math:`\alpha \in (0, 2]`, :math:`\|t - s\| := \sqrt{(t - s)^{\mathrm{t}}M(t - s)}`, and :math:`M := \operatorname{diag}(m_{1}, m_{2}, \dots, m_{d})` is a positive-semidefinite diagonal matrix. Parameters ---------- x : (n, d) array_like First argument of the kernel. y : (m, d) array_like Second argument of the kernel. sigma2 : scalar Variance. alpha : scalar Exponent. *M : scalars Diagonal elements of the metric matrix. Returns ------- res : (n, m) ndarray The Gneiting kernel evaluated for ``x`` and ``y``. References ---------- .. [G02] Gneiting, T. 2002. \'Compactly supported correlation functions\' in *Journal of multivariate analysis*, 83 (2): 493--508. Available at Example ------- One one-dimensional argument in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.gneiting(0., 1., 1., 1., 1.) array([[4.87271479e-18]]) Two one-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.gneiting([0., 1.], [2., 3.], 1., 1., 1., 1.) array([[0., 1.] [1., 0.]]) One two-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.gneiting([[0., 0.]], [[0., 1.]], 1., 1., 1., 1.) array([[4.87271479e-18]]) One two-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.gneiting([[0., 0.], [0., 1.]], [[1., 0.], [1., 1.]], 1., 1., 1., 1.) array([[4.87271479e-18, 0.00000000e+00] [0.00000000e+00, 4.87271479e-18]]) """ def fun(t): return sigma2*(1. + t**alpha)**(-3.)*( (1. - t)*np.cos(np.pi*t) + np.sin(np.pi*t)/np.pi ) M = np.diag(M) t = _metric(x, y, M) # This is slow. Use altervative to return[t<=1., t>1.], [fun(t), 0.])
[docs]def linear(x, y, a, *M): r"""Evaluate the linear kernel The *linear kernel* is the positive-semidefinite kernel :math:`k: \mathbf{R}^{d} \times \mathbf{R}^{d} \longrightarrow \mathbf{R}` given by .. math:: k(s, t) = a s^{\mathrm{t}}Mt where :math:`a` is a positive integer, and :math:`M := \operatorname{diag}(m_{1}, m_{2}, \dots, m_{d})` is a positive-semidefinite diagonal matrix. Parameters ---------- x : (n, d) array_like First argument of the kernel. y : (m, d) array_like Second argument of the kernel. a : scalar Scaling. *M : scalars Diagonal elements of the metric matrix. Returns ------- res : (n, m) ndarray The linear kernel evaluated for ``x`` and ``y``. Example ------- One one-dimensional argument in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.linear(0., 1., 1., 1.) array([[0.0]]) Two one-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.linear([0., 1.], [2., 3.], 1., 1.) array([[0. 0.] [2. 3.]]) One two-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.linear([[0., 0.]], [[0., 1.]], 1., 1., 1.) array([[0.]]) One two-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.linear([[0., 0.], [0., 1.]], [[1., 0.], [1., 1.]], 1., 1., 1.) array([[0., 0.], [0., 1.]]) """ M = np.diag(M) return a*_inner(x, y, M)
[docs]def matern(x, y, sigma2, nu, *M): r"""Evaluate the Matern kernel The *Matern kernel* is the positive-semidefinite kernel :math:`k: \mathbf{R}^{d} \times \mathbf{R}^{d} \longrightarrow \mathbf{R}` given by .. math:: k(s, t) = \sigma^{2}\dfrac{2^{1 - \nu}}{\Gamma(\nu)}\|t - s\|^{\nu}K_{\nu}(\|t - s\|) where :math:`\sigma^{2}` is a positive number, :math:`\nu` is a positive number, :math:`K_{\nu}` is a modified Bessel function of the second kind, :math:`\|t - s\| := \sqrt{(t - s)^{\mathrm{t}}M(t - s)}`, and :math:`M := \operatorname{diag}(m_{1}, m_{2}, \dots, m_{d})` is a positive-semidefinite diagonal matrix. Parameters ---------- x : (n, d) array_like First argument of the kernel. y : (m, d) array_like Second argument of the kernel.n sigma2 : scalar Variance. nu : scalar Exponent. *M : scalars Diagonal elements of the metric matrix. Returns ------- res : (n, m) ndarray The Matern kernel evaluated for ``x`` and ``y``. Notes ----- Evaluation of :math:`K_{\nu}` is done using :func:`scipy.special.kv`. This is computationally expensive. Hence calls to ``matern`` are slow. References ---------- .. [M86] Matern, Bertil. 1986. *Spatial Variation*. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Example ------- One one-dimensional argument in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.matern(0., 1., 1., 1., 1.) array([[0.44434252]]) Two one-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.matern([0., 1.], [2., 3.], 1., 1., 1., 1.) array([[0.13966747, 1. ] [1. , 0.13966747]]) One two-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.matern([[0., 0.]], [[0., 1.]], 1., 1., 1., 1.) array([[0.44434252]]) One two-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.matern([[0., 0.], [0., 1.]], [[1., 0.], [1., 1.]], 1., 1., 1., 1.) array([[0.44434252, 0.27973176] [0.27973176, 0.44434252]]) """ # TO DO: evaluation of K_{\nu} is expensive. Evaluate special # cases (e.g. half-integer \nu) separately def fun(t): return (2.**(1 - nu) *(np.sqrt(2.*nu)*t)**(nu) *special.kv(nu, np.sqrt(2.*nu)*t) /special.gamma(nu)) M = np.diag(M) t = _metric(x, y, M) # This is slow. Use altervative to return sigma2*[t==0., t>0.], [1., fun(t)])
[docs]def neural_network(x, y, a, *M): r"""Evaluate the neural-network kernel The *neural-network kernel* is the positive-semidefinite kernel :math:`k: \mathbf{R}^{d} \times \mathbf{R}^{d} \longrightarrow \mathbf{R}` given by .. math:: k(s, t) = a\dfrac{2}{\pi}\operatorname{arcsin}\left(\dfrac{2\tilde{s}^\mathrm{t}M\tilde{t}}{\sqrt{(1 + 2\tilde{s}^\mathrm{t}M\tilde{s})(1 + 2\tilde{t}^\mathrm{t}M\tilde{t})}}\right) where :math:`a` is a positive number, :math:`\tilde{s} := (1, s_{1}, \dots , s_{n})`, :math:`\tilde{t} := (1, t_{1}, \dots , t_{n})`, and :math:`M := \operatorname{diag}(m_{0}, m_{1}, \dots , m_{d})` is a positive-semidefinite matrix. Parameters ---------- x : (n, d) array_like First argument of the kernel. y : (m, d) array_like Second argument of the kernel. a : scalar Scaling. *M : scalars Diagonal elements of the augmented metric matrix. Returns ------- res : (n, m) ndarray The neural-network kernel evaluated for ``x`` and ``y``. References ---------- .. [W98] Williams, C.K.I. 1998. \'Computation with Infinite Neural Networks\' in *Neural Computation*, 10 (5): 1203--1216. Available at Example ------- One one-dimensional argument in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.neural_network(0., 1., 1., 1., 1.) array([[0.34545478]]) Two one-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.neural_network([0., 1.], [2., 3.], 1., 1., 1.) array([[0.22638364, 0.16216101] [0.60002474, 0.57029501]]) One two-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.neural_network([[0., 0.]], [[0., 1.]], 1., 1., 1., 1.) array([[0.34545478]]) One two-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.neural_network([[0., 0.], [0., 1.]], [[1., 0.], [1., 1.]], 1., 1., 1., 1.) array([[0.34545478, 0.28751878] [0.26197976, 0.47268278]]) """ m_0 = M[0] M = np.diag(M[1:]) num = 2.*(m_0 + _inner(x, y, M)) denom_1 = 1. + 2.*(m_0 + np.diag(_inner(x, x, M))) denom_2 = 1. + 2.*(m_0 + np.diag(_inner(y, y, M))) denom = np.sqrt(np.atleast_2d(denom_1).T@np.atleast_2d(denom_2)) return a*np.arcsin(num/denom)*(2./np.pi)
[docs]def periodic(x, y, sigma2, *args): r"""Evaluate the periodic kernel The *periodic kernel* is the positive-semidefinite kernel :math:`k: \mathbf{R}^{d} \times \mathbf{R}^{d} \longrightarrow \mathbf{R}` given by .. math:: k(s, t) = \sigma^{2}\exp\left(-\dfrac{1}{2}\sum_{i = 1}^{d}m_{i}\sin^{2}\left(\dfrac{\pi(s_{i} - t_{i})}{\lambda_{i}}\right)\right) where :math:`\sigma^{2}` is a positive number, :math:`\lambda = (\lambda_{i})_{i}^{d}` is a tuple of positive numbers, and :math:`M := \operatorname{diag}(m_{1}, m_{2}, \dots m_{d})` is positive-semidefinite matrix. Parameters ---------- x : (n, d) array_like First argument of the kernel. y : (m, d) array_like Second argument of the kernel. sigma2 : scalar Variance. *args : scalars Periods for each dimension and diagonal elements of the metric matrix. Returns ------- res : (n, m) ndarray The periodic kernel evaluated for ``x`` and ``y``. Example ------- One one-dimensional argument in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.periodic(0., 1., 1., 1., 1.) array([[1.]]) Two one-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.periodic([0., 1.], [2., 3.], 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.) array([[1., 1.] [1., 1.]]) One two-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.periodic([[0., 0.]], [[0., 1.]], 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.) array([[1.]]) One two-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.periodic([[0., 0.], [0., 1.]], [[1., 0.], [1., 1.]], 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.) array([[1., 1.] [1., 1.]]) """ x = np.atleast_1d(x) # y = np.atleast_1d(y) args = np.array(args) k = np.pi/args[:x.ndim] M = args[x.ndim:] # TO DO: list-comp for delta is slow, replace it delta = np.array([x_i - y for x_i in x]) delta = np.atleast_3d(delta) return sigma2*np.exp(-0.5*np.sum(M*np.sin(k*delta)**2., axis=-1))
[docs]def polynomial(x, y, a, b, p, *M): r"""Evaluate the polynomial kernel The *polynomial kernel* is the positive-semidefinite kernel :math:`k: \mathbf{R}^{d} \times \mathbf{R}^{d} \longrightarrow \mathbf{R}` given by .. math:: k(s, t) = a(b + s^{\mathrm{t}}Mt)^{p} where :math:`a` is a positive number, :math:`p` is a positive integer, and :math:`M := \operatorname{diag}(m_{1}, m_{2}, \dots , m_{d})` is positive-semidefinite matrix. Parameters ---------- x : (n, d) array_like First argument of the kernel. y : (m, d) array_like Second argument of the kernel. a : scalar Scaling. b : scalar Offset. p : int Exponent. *M : scalars Diagonal elements of the metric matrix. Returns ------- res : (n, m) ndarray The polynomial kernel evaluated for ``x`` and ``y``. Notes ----- The kernel :func:`polynomial` is not supported by PyMimic's optimization routines, :meth:`Blp.opt` and :meth:`Blup.opt`. This is because the degree of the polynomial, :math:`p`, is restricted to the natural numbers. Example ------- One one-dimensional argument in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.polynomial(0., 1., 1., 1., 1, 1.) array([[1.]]) Two one-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.polynomial([0., 1.], [2., 3.], 1., 1., 1, 1.) array([[1., 1.] [3., 4.]]) One two-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.polynomial([[0., 0.]], [[0., 1.]], 1., 1., 1, 1., 1.) array([[1.]]) One two-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.polynomial([[0., 0.], [0., 1.]], [[1., 0.], [1., 1.]], 1., 1., 1, 1., 1.) array([[1., 1.] [1., 2.]]) """ M = np.diag(M) return a*(b + _inner(x, y, M))**p
[docs]def rational_quadratic(x, y, sigma2, alpha, *M): r"""Evaluate the rational-quadratic kernel The *rational-quadratic kernel* is the positive-semidefinite kernel :math:`k: \mathbf{R}^{d} \times \mathbf{R}^{d} \longrightarrow \mathbf{R}` given by .. math:: k(s, t) = \sigma^{2}\left(1 + \dfrac{\|t - s\|}{2\alpha}\right)^{- \alpha} where :math:`\sigma^{2}` and :math:`\alpha` are positive numbers, :math:`\|t - s\| := \sqrt{(t - s)^{\mathrm{t}}M(t - s)}`, and :math:`M := \operatorname{diag}(m_{1}, m_{2}, \dots, m_{d})` is a positive-semidefinite diagonal matrix. Parameters ---------- x : (n, d) array_like First argument of the kernel. y : (m, d) array_like Second argument of the kernel. sigma2 : scalar Variance. alpha : scalar Exponent. *M : scalars Diagonal elements of the metric matrix. Returns ------- res : (n, m) ndarray The rational-quadratic kernel evaluated for ``x`` and ``y``. Example ------- One one-dimensional argument in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.rational_quadratic(0., 1., 1., 1., 1.) array([[0.66666667]]) Two one-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.rational_quadratic([0., 1.], [2., 3.], 1., 1., 1.) array([[0.33333333, 0.18181818] [0.66666667, 0.33333333]]) One two-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.rational_quadratic([[0., 0.]], [[0., 1.]], 1., 1., 1., 1.) array([[0.66666667]]) Two two-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.rational_quadratic([[0., 0.], [0., 1.]], [[1., 0.], [1., 1.]], 1., 1., 1., 1.) array([[0.66666667, 0.5 ] [0.5 , 0.66666667]]) """ M = np.diag(M) return sigma2*(1. + 0.5*_metric(x, y, M)**2./alpha)**(- alpha)
[docs]def squared_exponential(x, y, sigma2, *M): r"""Evaluate the squared-exponential kernel The *squared-exponential kernel* is the positive-semidefinite kernel :math:`k: \mathbf{R}^{d} \times \mathbf{R}^{d} \longrightarrow \mathbf{R}` given by .. math:: k(s, t) = \sigma^{2}\exp\left(- \dfrac{1}{2}\|(t - s)\|^{2}\right) where :math:`\sigma^{2}` is a positive number, :math:`\|t - s\| := \sqrt{(t - s)^{\mathrm{t}}M(t - s)}`, and :math:`M := \operatorname{diag}(m_{1}, m_{2}, \dots, m_{d})` is a positive-semidefinite diagonal matrix. Parameters ---------- x : (n, d) array_like First argument of the kernel. y : (m, d) array_like Second argument of the kernel. sigma2 : scalar Variance. *M : scalars Diagonal elements of the metric matrix. Returns ------- res : (n, m) ndarray The squared-exponential kernel evaluated for ``x`` and ``y``. Example ------- One one-dimensional argument in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.squared_exponential(0., 1., 1., 1.) array([[0.60653066]]) Two one-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.squared_exponential([0., 1.], [2., 3.], 1., 1.) array([[0.13533528, 0.011109 ], [0.60653066, 0.13533528]]) One two-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.squared_exponential([[0., 0.]], [[0., 1.]], 1., 1., 1.) array(0.60653066) One two-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.squared_exponential([[0., 0.], [0., 1.]], [[1., 0.], [1., 1.]], 1., 1., 1.) array([[0.60653066, 0.36787944], [0.36787944, 0.60653066]]) """ M = np.diag(M) return sigma2*np.exp(- 0.5*_metric(x, y, M)**2.)
[docs]def white_noise(x, y, sigma2): r"""Evaluate the white-noise kernel The *white-noise kernel* is the positive-semidefinite kernel :math:`k: \mathbf{R}^{d} \times \mathbf{R}^{d} \longrightarrow \mathbf{R}` given by .. math:: k(s, t) = \sigma^{2}\delta(s, t) where :math:`\sigma^{2}` is a positive number, :math:`\delta` is the Kronecker delta. Parameters ---------- x : (n, d) array_like First argument of the kernel. y : (m, d) array_like Second argument of the kernel. sigma2 : scalar Variance. Returns ------- res : (n, m) ndarray The white-noise kernel evaluated for ``x`` and ``y``. Example ------- One one-dimensional argument in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.white_noise(0., 1., 1.) array([[0.]]) Two one-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.white_noise([0., 1.], [1., 2.], 1.) array([[0., 0.] [1., 0.]]) One two-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.white_noise([[0., 0.]], [[0., 1.]], 1.) array([[0.]]) One two-dimensional arguments in each slot: .. sourcecode:: python >>> pymimic.kernel.white_noise([[0., 0.], [0., 1.]], [[0., 1.], [1., 1.]], 1.) array([[0., 0.] [1., 0.]]) """ x = np.atleast_1d(x) M = np.eye(x.ndim) t = _metric(x, y, M) # This is slow. Use altervative to return sigma2*[t==0, t!=0], [1., 0.])